Area of Expertise
Awards & Achievements
- Fellow of Indian College Of Physician (FICP)
- Fellow of Academy of Medical Specialties
- Diploma in Diabetology.
- Fellow Indian society of cardiology (FISC)
- Fellow cardiological society of india. (FCSI)
- Fellow of Royal College Of Physician-Edinburgh-FRCP
- Fellow of American College of cardiology (USA) FACC.
- Co-Authored 4 books in Diabetology
- Delivered the prestigious Mathew Roy memorial annual oration at API meeting-
- Regular Guest faculty in Cardio-Diabetology and Internal Medicines in various national, and regional conferences
- Advanced training in ICU, IMCU and Emergency care for 2 years
Professional Membership
- Faculty in Medicine and Diabetology of NEW CASTLE UNIVERSITY, AUSTRALIA.
- Association of Physicians of India, API
- Cardiological Society of India (CSI)
- Research Society of Diabetes (RSSDI)
- International Diabetic Federation (IDF)
- Royal College of Physician-Edinburgh
- American college of cardiology
- Faculty public Health Foundation-PHFI
List of Publications
- Carotid sinus syndrome. Anti septic June 1981.
- A Case of Steel Richardson Olszweski syndrome, Kerala Medical journal –1981.
- Hepato- diaphragmatic Interposition of Transverse Colon –Kerala medical Journal 1982.
- A Case of Prinz Metal Angina with varied presentation—Presented at API meet at Calicut- 1985 and Published in Antiseptic- February- 1986.
- Typhoid Hepatitis—Preliminary report Antiseptic July 1986.
- Hepatitis in enteric fever, study of 12 cases — Presented in APICON 1989 and Published in JAPI 1989 Vol37, No-1.
- Slow suction by drip method in spontaneous pneumothorax. – Kerala Medical journal August 1985.
- Viral Hepatitis and ABO blood groups – Presented in APICON-87, and published in JAPI 1987. Vol-35, No-1
- Two cases of prolonged Q-T interval and repetitive ventricular tachycardia. Antiseptic- December 1987.
- Electrocardiographic diagnosis of Brain death, Presented in APICON-1991 and Published in JAPI 1991- Vol41, No1.
- Acute Myocardial infarction presenting without shift in ST-T Vector Presented in APICON 93, Published in JAPI-1993, Vol43, No1.
- Myocardial Infarction Presenting as STROKE- original Article Presented in API meet at cochin and Published in JAPI 1998
- Change in Blood Group Phenotype Report of 2 cases –Published in JIMA Vol94, No4, April 1996.
- Analysis of Intra ventricular conduction defects Presented In APICON 1998, Published in JAPI 98.
- Three cases of Abnormal rise in Glycated Hemoglobin, Presented at international diabetes federation congress At MEXICO November 2000, Published in IDF abstract book, and NNDU update book
- Anti- Phospholipid Antibody syndrome – Presented in APICON 2000 at Jaipur, and published in JAPI 2000, Detailed report In Kerala Medical Journal. 2002.
- Diabetes and SURGERY review article Published In Kerala Medical Journal 1998.
- Insulin Resistance and its clinical implications in cardiology Published In Kerala Medical Journal, 1999
- A rare case of Multicentric Reticulo-Histiocytoma, Case report and analysis of literature presented at QPC and published in Indian Jr. Of Dermatology.
- A survey of OSTEOPOROSIS By BMD report published in Antiseptic September 2001.
- Acute Medical Thyroid Storm Report of 6 cases presented at API meet in Nov.2001, And APICON 2003..
- Intraventricular Conduction defects in acute Myocardial Infarction in Pre-thrombolytic and Thrombolytic ERA, Presented in Cardiology Meet CSI- Kerala in Jan 2001, and APICON 2002,
- Written an article- Patho Physiology of Diabetic Complications in a DIABETES update 2002.
- A case of Hypoparathyroidism presenting with Seizures and Intracerebral calcification. Presented At QPC and at API keral chapter NOV.2002 and Asian J. of endocrinology.
- An Analysis of 2000 cases of Tread Mill test –a private hospital Study ready for publications.
- A case of Isolated Hepatic Tuberculosis, presented at QPC Ready for Publication
- A case of intra-cerebral calcifications and Hypo-parathyroidism , presented at QPC , ready for publication.
- Profile of Acute MI in Diabetic Subjects analysis of 1794 cases Presented as award paper in RSSDI conference at Cochin
- A CASE OF Left Atrial Myxoma with near total obstruction- oresented at APICON,
- Pitfalls in Computer ECG interpretations – presented at State APICON
- A case of Multiple –renal arteries –Presented at Apicon and JAPI-Jan 2014 as case report.
- LIFENOX STUDY –published IN NEJM 2014
- ACS REGISTRY – KERALA STUDY OB Acute Coronary Syndrome evaluation published in European J of cardiology